Italian American Club of Pittsburg Treasurer Anna Sorci (left), SVdP Executive Director Claudia Ramirez(center) and Italian American Club of Pittsburg President Vince Ferrante(right) showcase some of the toys donated by the Italian American Club of Pittsburg to help children in need celebrate the holidays.
At St. Vincent de Paul of Contra Costa County, we are always moved when the community comes together to help those in need. That is why, on Thursday, December 16th, 2021, we were blown away by an amazingly generous donation by the Italian American Club of Pittsburg.
After holding toy drives at multiple locations across the city, the Italian American Club of Pittsburg donated toys to SVdP to help children in need celebrate the holiday, and to make sure everyone has something special to open on Christmas day.
“We are always moved by the work SVdP does,” Italian American Club of Pittsburg President Vince Ferrante said. “We are proud to partner with SVdP to help children in need, especially at this time of year when no one should have to go without.”
Italian American Club of Pittsburg Treasurer Anna Sorci said the club was able to gather toys from multiple locations across the city. She said they had a special partnership with Chase Bank, and were able to have a barrel at their branch in order for customers and employees to donate toys.
St. Vincent de Paul of Contra Costa County cannot thank the Italian American Club of Pittsburg enough for their amazingly generous donation. At SVdP we believe together we can end poverty one person, one family, one community at a time, and with partner like the Italian American Club of Pittsburg, we are certain we can.