Rental Assistance and Housing Services

Nicole & her son Jason received rental assistance from St. Vincent de Paul to get back on their feet.
Rental Assistance and Housing Services
St. Vincent de Paul provides rental assistance to individuals and families in need through a variety of programs.
The 29 St. Vincent de Paul branches throughout Contra Costa County are the best place to start. For a list of branch contact information by city, please see our Conference Directory. If you don’t know which SVdP branch to contact, please contact the SVdP Family Resource Center in Pittsburg, (925) 439-5060, and our helpful staff will refer you to the SVdP location that can help based upon where you live.
Additionally, SVdP partners with Catholic Charities of the East Bay to provide rental housing assistance to clients in need. For more information on the services they provide, visit the Catholic Charities website or call (925)-825-3099 to explain your circumstances and schedule an appointment.
*Rental and housing assistance is provided by appointment only.*
If you have an immediate need for rental or other assistance, your local branch (also called a Conference) of St. Vincent de Paul might also be able to help, depending on the individual facts and circumstances of your case. For a list of branch contact information by city, please visit our Conference Directory.