This page has information to help SVdP Vincentians carry out their mission of helping the poor.

Neighbors in need should contact conferences directly in order to get assistance or call 211. To find the closest conference click HERE.

Calendar Feast Days

Below are forms, policies, training modules, links to other resources and much more which Vincentians should take the time to explore and see all of the information that is available to them.

Assistance Applications – This page has all the forms and instructions a Vincentian would need to request financial help from the Hope Conference, Catholic Charities and Seasons of Sharing.  It also has information about the W-9 form which may be needed if the conference pays rent.

PG&EInformation on programs to help pay a PG&E bill, ways to lower a bill and tips from TURN on how to fight PG&E

Conference OperationThis page has training modules, forms and procedures(e.g. store vouchers) that every conference needs in order to function smoothly.

Home VisitsThe primary charity performed by Vincentians.

Food PantryTips on how to properly run a pantry.

Help Offered by Other OrganizationsThis page has information pamphlets from multiple non profit organizations that our neighbors in need might need to use.

Tuesdays with St. VincentTuesdays with Vincent are a series of Zoom talks done in 2021 and 2022 by experts in the history of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. It start with St. Vincent and then goes through each of the organizations that he started and the primary people that helped form the Society.

Vetera MonimentaThis is the monthly bulletin of the Contra Costa County District Council and is designed for the Vincentians of the DC

DC Youtube channelRecorded Zoom meetings and training sessions.


SVdP USAThis is the website for the national organization.  A lot of useful information here.  Like on our website go to the upper right corner and click on “Members” to get information that will help you as a Vincentian.

QUESTIONS & ANSWERSEvery week in Frederic’s E-gazette there is a question and answer section.  They are collected into one document and continuously updated on this website. Click on box labelled “VINCENTIAN Q&A” to download them.

SVdP USA videos from meetings and webinarsMissed the National Meeting?  Missed a training webinar?  Here is where you can view them.

SVdP USA members portal This is where conferences enter their annual report and update their conference roster

MagnaliteWhile the National site has a store, Magnalite offers a lot more SVdP merchandise

Western Region Videos & Workshop DocumentsVideos on Disaster Preparation, effective conference meetings, the housing task force and more.

WESTERN REGIONAL MEETING LINKS – Videos on  Human Dignity, Option for the Poor, Racism, Charity and Justice, the Exodus Project and the Vincentian Mass.

Phoenix District CouncilCheck out what programs the biggest District Conference in the United States offers.  They are so big they offer regular tours of their campus and you can also get a tour of the National thrift store.

Phoenix District Council Vincentian SupportWant to know how Phoenix does something.  Check out this page.  Make sure that you scroll all the way down to “Conference Resources”.