Last updated 7/26/24

PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PROGRAMS ARE ALWAYS CHANGING – REACH CHANGED THEIR RESTRICTIONS IN JULY 2024.  Our neighbors in need to always call PG&E and find out what the current situation is.   If they get the right person at PG&E they will sign them up for the CARE program and AMP program while they are on the phone.

There are a lot of programs to help people with their PG&E bills.   Also included here are tips on lowering a person’s PG&E bill.  At the end are some documents from TURN(The Utility Reform Network) on how to take on PG&E.

Click HERE to go to the PG&E webpage that describes their programs that help people pay their bills.

Breathe_Easy_SolutionsIs a PG&E flyer that explains how to access their programs and what they offer.

PGE ProgramsShort summary of all of their programs

Programas-de-PGE-Spanish – Short summary of all of their programs in Spanish

PG&E – Detailed Description of Programs and how to pay a bill

The main organizations that help people pay their electric bills are listed here.  Please note that the qualifications for these programs and the amount that they will pay continually changes.  Also at times they will be out of money, but may get more funding in a couple of weeks or it might be a couple of months.

Seasons of Sharing – Click on this link to learn more about them: 

LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) – Click HERE to visit their website

REACH (Relief for Energy Assistance through Community Help) Click HERE to visit their website

Catholic Charities is working with PG&E to sign up people with PG&E programs. Catholic Charities does not pay utility bills.  Here are the forms for people to fill out. If they have trouble Catholic Charities will help them.  They can contact CC at:

Delia Ledezma (510)768-3104

Dora Segura (925)771-8247

Some of these are links to the forms on the PG&E website.  If PG&E redoes their website the links may be broken.





AMP Fact Sheet-en

AMP Fact Sheet-es

Medical Baseline Fact Sheet_English_Final

Medical Baseline Fact Sheet 2020_ SPANISH_Final


Struggling Utility Bills English_10_15_2020-Final

Struggling Utility Bills Spanish_2020_Final

Protecting Customers from Disconnections FAQ_Final

Protecting Customers from Disconnections FAQ_Spanish_Final

SGIP Fact Sheet_Final (Eng) – Self Generation Incentive Program

How to Read the SmartMeter


PG&E Energy-Giving-Form  – How to pay someone else’s bill

PG&E – Home Energy Assistance Program


Municipal Fact Sheet 2020 – Information if you don’t get electricity from PG&E, but instead get it from a municipal utility

Municipal Fact Sheet 2020_SPANISH


LifeLine Phone Discounts_English_updated 01_16_19

CPUC Complaints_English

Drowning in Utility Bills_English_1_14_19

2107 Energy Infographic

Avoid Electric or Gas Shut Offs-English_01_14_19

Utility Justice Training Manual_091918

Turn Energy FAQs

Training manual Insert_Know Your Rights

Struggling Utility Bills English_5_10_19

Shut off Training Presentation_2017