Employment Opportunities
Open Positions:
We’re Hiring!
Click the links below to view the job descriptions.
We always take applications! Please fill out our Application Form Here and email it to jobs@svdp-cc.org, and we will keep it on file!
Please check out our current Volunteer Opportunities for other ways to get involved!
Ongoing Programs:
The Workforce Development Program at St. Vincent de Paul provides training and work experience for those who are new to or have been out of the workforce. The goal of our program is to help participants with barriers to employment find long-term, satisfactory work at a decent wage upon the conclusion of the 24-week SVdP WFD Program.
To register, please contact our Workforce Development team at info@svdp-cc.org
For Inquiries:
Submit an employment application and/or resume to jobs@svdp-cc.org, or by mail to St. Vincent de Paul, 2210 Gladstone Drive, Pittsburg or fax to 925-439-7863.