Our Thrift Stores
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Contra Costa County operates three thrift stores: Pleasant Hill, Pittsburg, and Brentwood. Our thrift stores provide a source of inexpensive merchandise for the poor and help protect our environment by recycling. Our stores also provide learning opportunities for participants in our Workforce Development Program. From time to time, our stores also provide free clothing, housewares, and furniture through outreach by our branches, also known as conferences. Our Brentwood Store (SVdP Brentwood Help & Hope Thrift Center) is also a convenient location to connect individuals in need with other community resources such as free food, medical, and housing assistance.
Before you donate, please review our donation guidelines.
Pittsburg Store
2210 Gladstone Drive, Pittsburg, CA
Donations Accepted:
Monday – Saturday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm or until full
*please do not leave donations on Sundays
Pleasant Hill Store
2815 Contra Costa Boulevard, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Donations Accepted: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm or until full
SVdP Brentwood Help & Hope
Thrift Center
8890 Brentwood Blvd, Brentwood, CA 94513
Donations Accepted: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm or until full
Whether you are shopping, donating, or volunteering at SVdP’s Thrift Stores, you are helping the needy!
SVdP Thrift Stores are Mission Driven
SVdP Thrift Stores Offer Good Value
We also appreciate the following companies, individuals and foundations who have generously donated goods and services to us for the benefit of the poor we serve.
Food Bank of Contra Costa/Solano
John Muir Mount Diablo Health Foundation
Knights of Columbus – Council #4060 – St. Isidore, Danville, (Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets)
Kaiser Permanente (health education materials)
Pittsburg Disposal Services
The Wheelchair Foundation (wheelchairs)
White Pony Express (food and clothing)