Here are brochures and links for various non profit organizations that we may need to direct our neighbors in need to.

Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services  For Catholic and non-Catholic families.  If the links do not help contact Vincentian Services for additional contact information

          Mother Teresa ProgramFree Funeral Services for those in need

          Precious Lives ProgramFree Funeral Services for those families that have lost a child

          All Souls Remembrance ProgramFor those families that need a place to put cremated remains for free

MFC_MI-CCCares-Flyer -English – Health Care Program for Uninsured Adults

MFC_MI-CCCares- Flyer – Spanish – Health Care Program for Uninsured Adults

This is a webinar given in July 2023 by the Contra Costa County Continuum of Care.  It explains how someone can be helped by the following programs: CalFresh (SNAP/food stamps), Calworks, MediCal, General Assistance, SSI/SSDI, SOAR (SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access and Recovery) on line course and by the Bay Area Legal Aid.


California Care Kit – Lists a lot of organizations that can help in a lot of different ways

Community Mental Health Services_Flyer_Final_7.12.2022 – Fred Finch Youth Center of John Muir Health

CA Mortgage Relief Program

Contra Costa Housing Authority

John Muir Mobile Medical Clinic

LIHWAP – Low Income Household Water Assistance Program

California Caregiver Resource Center

Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse

First Five – Focus is on the first five years of a child life

Domestic Violence

COMMUNITY CONNECT – Contra Costa Health Services’ holistic case management program

Class63_ACT flyer with Registration Link – Opportunity Junction Careers Training


Child Abuse

Substance Use (Alcohol or Other Drugs)

Perceptions of Mental Illness


March 2019 – 211 Resource Guide


JFK+SVdPFlyer 8-25-20 – Free and Confidential Counseling Services

Home Match CCC 

Xfinity Affordable Connectivity Program

St. Vincent Employee-Volunteer Referral Process 8-25-20 

Condensed Service Directory for Adult Mental Health CCC 2019

CalHHS Emergency Resource Guide – California Health and Human Services

Northern California Family CenterCounseling, Runaway Services, Foster Care, Mediation

Project Roomkey/Homelessness COVID ResponseThe purpose of Project Roomkey is to provide non-congregate sheltering for people experiencing homelessness, to protect human life, and minimize strain on health care system capacity.

CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP)- The CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP) fosters housing stability for families experiencing homelessness. HSP assists homeless CalWORKs families in obtaining permanent housing and can provide temporary shelter, help with moving costs, short to medium-term rental subsidies, and wraparound case management.

CalWORKs Homeless Assistance (HA)- The CalWORKs Homeless Assistance (HA) Program aims to help CalWORKs families meet the reasonable costs of securing housing. The CalWORKs HA program serves eligible CalWORKs recipients, or apparently eligible CalWORKs applicants, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. CalWORKs HA can provide payments for temporary shelter for up to 16 cumulative calendar days, as well as payments to secure or maintain housing, including a security deposit and last month’s rent, or up to two months of rent arrearages.

Bringing Families Home Program (BFH)- The Bringing Families Home (BFH) program helps reduce the number of families in the child welfare system experiencing homelessness, increase family reunification, and prevent foster care placements. BFH serves homeless families involved with the child welfare system and is designed to offer housing supports in order for families to successfully reunify.

Housing and Disability Advocacy Program (HDAP) – The Housing and Disability Advocacy Program (HDAP) assists homeless and disabled individuals apply for disability benefit programs, while also providing housing support. The HDAP requires that participating counties offer outreach, case management, benefits advocacy, and housing supports to all program participants.

Home Safe ProgramThe Home Safe Program supports the safety and housing stability of individuals involved in Adult Protective Services (APS) who are experiencing, or at imminent risk of experiencing, homelessness due to elder or dependent adult abuse, neglect, self-neglect, or financial exploitation by providing housing-related assistance using evidence-based practices for homeless assistance and prevention.

Community Care Expansion Program (CCE) The CCE program was established by Assembly Bill No. 172 (Chapter 69, Statutes of 2021) and will provide $805 million in funding for acquisition, construction, and rehabilitation to preserve and expand adult and senior care facilities that serve SSI/SSP and Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI) applicants and recipients, including those who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness.