We would like to form a committee to explore the creation of a SVdP High School ministry at Carondelet and De La Salle. This ministry would introduce the teens to the mission and works of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and grow the Vincentian family and a life-long love of serving the poor. We invite those who have a heart for working with teens and have had experience leading or volunteering with teens to join us on this committee. The committee will fine-tune a design and conduct outreach to Carondelet and De La Salle High schools to pilot a program in the Fall of 2022.
Initial thoughts for the program design, which would be open to Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior students at Carondelet and De La Salle, would include activities such as:
• An orientation/invitation to serve to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s history and works
• Tour of the SVdP District Office and services offered, including the Loaves and Fishes Dining Room, RotaCare Free Medical Clinic, Dental Clinic, Workforce Development Program, Food Pantry, Store and Spiritual Activities
• Participation in monthly, hands-on service opportunities, including:
Volunteering at the Pleasant Hill, Pittsburg or Brentwood stores
Volunteering at the St. Francis, St. Mary’s or St. Bonaventure’s food pantries
Serving at the Gianni’s Restaurant event and other SVdP events
Holding a High School Bundle Sunday
Serving at/and or participating as a team in the Bocce Ball tournament
Participating in the Walk for the Poor
Assisting with an Angel Tree program
Attending a conference meeting at an SVdP conference
And, if the pilot goes well, we could look at expanding the program to other youth groups.
We plan to kick off our first committee meeting in early February. If you are interested in being a part of this committee or would like more information, please send an email to Kathy Dasso at katdas9@aol.com.