Steve visits the St. Vincent de Paul Family Resource Center daily.

Dear friend,

I want you to meet Steve.

He’s a friend of mine, and I think you’ll like him too.

Steve is a regular at the SVdP Family Resource Center in Pittsburg. He takes the bus to come get food, clothing, and to talk with his friends who visit and work here. Steve is so grateful for your generosity. You have already improved his life.

Would you consider opening your heart this Easter and donate to help Steve, and your neighbors in need receive the care they need?

Steve struggles, but your support is life-changing for him. He suffers from serious complications from his diabetes, which makes it painful for him to walk and make it impossible for him to work.
“Walking is really hard for me, it hurts. I use a walker now. When I started coming here, a SVdP employee, Dennis, saw how hard it is for me to walk, and got me a walker with a seat.” Steve said. “Being able to sit down when I go places sounds small but it means the world to me. It makes life easier. It’s a godsend.”

Your donation, no matter the size, can have a profound impact on the lives of your neighbors in need.

Steve needs your help. He receives $1,300 from disability each month, less than minimum wage. That is all he has for his rent, heat, and food while being unable to work. Can you imagine, trying to live on so little with everything increasing in price?
“I love coming to SVdP,” Steve said. “Everyone is so nice. The food is good. It’s also nice to just have people to talk to. It can be lonely being disabled.”

Steve said, “A friend told me about SVdP, and coming here has really helped me a lot. I’m so thankful for this place. The people here are my friends. Life gets really hard, but when I come here it just doesn’t seem so bad.”

Your support helps make miracles happen.

More and more, families in your community are being pushed to the edge and onto the street. Your gift today ensures your neighbors, like Steve, have food, clothing, a roof over their head, medical & dental care, and so much more.

Could you open your heart this Easter season and help care for your neighbors in need? Please, donate today and change someone’s life.

Please give as generously as you can –

Sincerely Yours this Blessed Season,

Claudia L. Ramirez
Executive Director

P.S. Please make your gift to SVdP today. Your friends and neighbors need your help. Your generosity today can change the course of someone’s life.