The De La Salle Lacrosse team sponsored the 10th year of the St. Vincent de Paul-St. Francis of Assisi Thanksgiving Food Distribution on November 23, 2019! Over the past ten years, over $28,000 has been raised, over 1,350 turkeys have been distributed and over 1,620 volunteer hours have been provided by DLS Lacrosse players, parents and coaches. The Lacrosse team’s contribution of $3,499.30 this year provided over 150 turkeys to the needy, feeding over 650 hungry Concord & Bay Point residents. In addition to purchasing the turkeys for the hungry families of Concord and Bay Point, (for SVdP Food Distributions at St. Francis of Assisi-Concord and Our Lady Queen of the World-Bay Point), the remaining funds support St. Vincent de Paul’s Family Resource Center in Pittsburg where we provide Rental Assistance, a Free Dining Room, Free Medical Clinic, Free Dental Program, Daytime Homeless Shelter, Workforce Development Program, Auto Assistance Program, Clothing & Furniture and more.
St. Vincent de Paul has operated the food pantry at St. Francis of Assisi for over 25 years, and annually provides over 12,000 meals! Jane Streich, SVdP Food Pantry Director, notes:
“The SVdP Food Pantry at St. Francis would not be able to provide our annual Thanksgiving program without the contribution of the turkeys from the DLS lacrosse team, coaches, and parents”.
Because of our dedicated community members, volunteers and supporters, we have been able to make the holiday season a little brighter for so many of our neighbors in need. To learn more about getting involved all year round, please visit the following link.
DLS Lax members with turkeys in bags.