Yearly Archives: 2021

21 10, 2021

SVdP Volunteers Help Veteran’s Family

By |2021-11-08T19:00:53+00:00October 21st, 2021|E-Newsletter|Comments Off on SVdP Volunteers Help Veteran’s Family

US Army Veteran Calvin Brown and his young family received help from SVdP’s St. Callistus Branch, which they are extremely grateful for. When Veterans Affairs Peer Support Specialist James Cherry received a phone call from a veteran he helped before, he knew he had to answer it. “Arlesa called me and just told [...]

4 10, 2021

SVdP “Vincentian” Volunteers Need You

By |2021-11-08T22:09:16+00:00October 4th, 2021|E-Newsletter|Comments Off on SVdP “Vincentian” Volunteers Need You

SVdP Volunteers work closely with their neighbors to help them return to a sustainable lifestyle. Shuttering organizations across the globe, the pandemic has spread suffering like nothing in recent history. Incomes, social interaction, and therapies many in need relied upon disappeared. Here at St. Vincent de Paul of Contra Costa County, volunteer “Vincentians” [...]

3 10, 2021

Volunteers of the Month: SVdP’s St. Callistus Branch Helps Veterans in Need

By |2021-11-08T18:38:40+00:00October 3rd, 2021|E-Newsletter|Comments Off on Volunteers of the Month: SVdP’s St. Callistus Branch Helps Veterans in Need

A veteran herself, SVdP Vincentian Arlesa Miles knew the SVdP team at St. Callistus could help our service members in need. Adapting to the shutdowns has been challenging, but for more vulnerable groups in Contra Costa County, such as veterans who have found themselves on the street, the pandemic has had a much [...]

1 10, 2021

SVdP Car Donation Program Restores Senior Autonomy

By |2021-11-08T17:06:34+00:00October 1st, 2021|E-Newsletter, Uncategorized|Comments Off on SVdP Car Donation Program Restores Senior Autonomy

Sharon Patty receives a car donated through SVdP. The Auto Donation Program at St. Vincent de Paul of Contra Costa County matches donated cars to people in need. For those who donate their unwanted cars, this program provides a tax deduction and extra garage space. For those who receive the donated vehicles, the [...]

4 09, 2021

SVdP Helps Landlord Living on the Street

By |2021-11-08T16:32:06+00:00September 4th, 2021|E-Newsletter|Comments Off on SVdP Helps Landlord Living on the Street

Lisa became homeless when the pandemic hit and her home burnt down. When a family in need approached a St. Vincent de Paul of Contra Costa branch for rental assistance, it started a journey of compassion no one saw coming. “They had all had COVID-19 and then lost their jobs,” Steve Krank, Vincentian [...]

4 06, 2021

Housing Our Neighbors

By |2021-11-04T16:21:12+00:00June 4th, 2021|E-Newsletter|Comments Off on Housing Our Neighbors

Ruby and her husband Rajiv outside of the apartment in which SVdP's aid helped them stay. Between 2000 and 2018, the average rent in the Bay Area increased by 223%, with no significant growth in wages for low-income workers. California has added 1 unit of housing for every 5.4 jobs that have been [...]

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