Who is Sheila Gilbert?
Sheila lives out the charism of Vincent in all she says and does. She is a strong advocate for “systemic change”- working closely with those living in poverty to better understand their plight and bring this experience to bear fruit through the training of Vincentians Nationally, addressing the root causes of poverty.
Sheila is also a great retreat facilitator. As the Societies’ National President she continues her work to help us understand that as Vincentians we must never lose sight that our Catholicism and Spirituality is the breath, heartbeat and fire of our Vincentian work. Who and what do you and your Conference bring to the Christ we serve?
On March 4, 2017, Sheila will be leading a day retreat at St. Isidore’s Catholic Church in Danville, CA.
Time: 8AM-4PM
Address: 440 La Gonda Way, Danville, CA 94526
Session One – Our Vincentian Vocation
Session Two – Opening to God
Session Three – Living Our Rule Today
Session Four – Actions Speak Louder Than Words
*A light breakfast and lunch will be provided.* Please RSVP if you are interested in attending by emailing info@www.svdp-cc.org or calling (925) 439-5060 by stating your name and which conference you are from.
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