A lot of new programs have been started during the pandemic to help all of the people that were put out of work. In addition a lot of existing programs changed their eligibility rules to allow more people to access their funds. Here is rather lengthy list of them.
Covid 19 – The Experience of St. Vincent de Paul
Tenant Inability to Pay Notice
Eviction policy during the pandemic 10-12-20
Contra Costa_SB 91 Brief Extension of Rental Eviction Moratorium
CA COVID-Tenant Checklist ENGLISH
Concord Rental Assistance due to Covid
New SOS Rules effective 9-1-21
Shelter Inc COVID program flyer Spanish
Shelter Inc COVID program flyer English
SvdP CCC COVID-19 Resource Compilation
SVDP Conference Service Status COVID-19 – 08-09-21
Protocols for Cleaning and Disinfection After Persons Suspected-Confirmed with COVID-19
Protocols for Communication When an Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19
Policy in Compliance with COVID-19 Infection Prevention Requirements (CA AB 685)
FEMA Funeral Assistance Apr 2021
COVID-19 Resources and How to Get Them
COVID_19 Consumer Protections _FAQ Sheet_rev_1_2021
COVID-19 Consumer Protections – FAQ Sheet (8-7-30-2020)_SPANISH_JR_gs
Contra Costa County HO-COVID19-SIP-0316-2020
Additional CalFresh Benefits – April & May